Doxo has been discontinued and the new portal links directly to your account.
*There are fees for these services charged by the vendor.
Free, bank direct debit is available. Click here for more information
144 East Main Street
(315) 597-4849, option 6
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm*
Deputy Clerks
Mary Piccola
Margaret Tracy
(Please use for all general
questions, tax searches,
tax bills etc.)
and Tax Collector
Rebecca Wetherby
Term Expires
December 2024
(Please use just for emails
specifically for Rebecca)
*There may be times, due to staffing,
we will be closed 12:00 - 1:00PM
FOIL Requests
Click here for the form.
Asking for documents from us requires a FOIL even if it is public knowledge.
We need to maintain a record here of information we give out.
You are welcome to look the information up for yourself if you don't wish to complete this process.
Be advised, if you are requesting paper copies they are 25 cents per page.
Requests requiring use of USB drives will be charged the cost of the drive
up to $10.00 depending on storage needs.
Marina Pavilion and Sexton Building Rentals
Marina Pavilion rental information here
Sexton Building rental information here
Notary Public Services
Please call ahead to ensure Notary is available
Bring picture identification with you
Please do not sign the form before you come in
Village Tax Payments
We are not accepting credit card payments this year due to lack of interest.
Check, cash or money order payments are accepted here from June 1 - October 31.
A drop box is located next to the front door if you cannot get here during business hours.
When paying your bill, please write your phone number on your check
On November 1, Wayne County adds the Village taxes to your Town and County taxes for January 1.
Tax receipts are available here
Town, County and Pal-Mac school taxes are paid at Town Hall, 1180 Canandaigua Rd.
Water and Sewer Payments
Free, bank direct debit is available. Click here for more information.
Check, cash or money order payments are accepted by mail, in person or drop box.
A drop box is located next to the front door if you cannot get here during business hours.
Water Bill The base rate is $40 per quarter per unit which includes 5 hundred cubic feet of water. It is $2.75 for each 100 cubic feet of water over the 5 included in the base rate.
Sewer Bill The base rate is $40 per quarter per unit . It is $ 1.50 for each 100 cubic feet of water used.
Direct Debit: This is a free service where your water and sewer balance will be deducted from your bank account. This will occur on the due date 1/15, 4/15, 7/15, 10/15 or the Friday previous if it falls on the weekend, The paper to sign up is here or available at the Village Clerk’s office.
Paperless Billing: We now offer paperless billing where your bill will be sent to your email instead of by postcard to your address. Your email address will only be used for paperless billing purposes.
Past Due Balances: Due to the NYS moratorium in 2021, we were unable to put past due water and sewer balances on your Village taxes. Especially for those in escrow, we would recommend you try and pay down these balances, so it doesn’t affect your mortgage payments next year. For 2022, we will be able to put your past due balances on your taxes.
Phone Numbers: When paying your bill, please write your phone number on your check. It is the quickest way to reach out to you if there are any issues.
Pool Owners: When you fill up your pools for the season, be sure to note the reading before and after you fill it. You can then call or email us, and we can give you a sewer credit for that portion.